Saturday, January 10, 2009


So yesterday my direct flight to Madrid from Chicago was cancelled. Luckily (?) they put me on a flight to London and then on to Madrid. So now I am in London! However, I am stuck here. Boo. All of the flights to and from Madrid are delayed because the airport shut down yesterday due to snow. (If those people lived in Wisconsin they would have a major melt down seeing all the snow we've gotten.) So yeah, at least I'm across the Atlantic now and I'm just chilling out at Heathrow until I know what's going on.

I did have a nice flight to London. I sat next to this guy named Joe who was really funny and took a lot of xanax. He helped me navigate this airport until we had to part ways.

This morning as we were landing we were flying directly into the sunrise and it was pretty beautiful.

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