Wow. This week has just flown by. I can't believe it's already Thursday night. It was really nice not having school today, but because of that it is really hard for me to be motivated to go to school tomorrow. Oh well, at least I don't have to go until noon.
And in other news I just turned on my camera to find that the screen is completely messed up/broken. So I'm kind of freaking out right now.
Well, I was going to write about my fun night out last night, but I'll just gloss over it because I am really frustrated right now. Sonya, Julie, Rachel (my new friend who is just such a fun person to be around), Rachel's friend Kate, and I went to this place where everything (food and drinks) is a euro on Wednesday nights. We had a really good time.
Also, today I finally went to the Prado. Las Meninas (the painting at the top of this post) was just stunning to actually see in person. It's so huge and it just has a vacuum-like power that completely draws the viewer in to explore all of its depth and details. I saw so many other paintings that I had been really excited to see as well and really became a huge fan of Goya. His work was amazing. I'll probably go back again because there was just too much to see in a too short amount of time.
Now I'm going to try to see what I can do about my camera. Ugh. Of course this had to happen...
P.S. I'm going to El Escorial on Saturday, so my next post my not be until Sunday. I hope to have some pictures for you somehow.
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